Request Form System Glossary
assign. The act of sending a request to a person or group for approval.
assignee. The person or group that a request form is assigned to.
creator. The person who initiates a request by completing a request form. A creator may also be a requester.
decline. The act of denying a request. This can only be done after the form has been assigned at least once. This is a terminal action, and no further action can be taken once a form is declined.
default assignee. The person or group that is displayed in the drop-down menu on the Assign page. The default assignee can be changed.
delete. The act of removing a request from the Request Form System. This can only be done by the form creator before the form has been assigned. This is a terminal action, and the request is completely removed from the system.
finalize. The act of completing a form in order to generate an electronic document in the appropriate university system or notify the appropriate office that action is requested. This is a terminal action, and no further action can be taken once a form is finalized.
group. A list of university employees, usually in the same department, to whom a request form can be assigned. Any individual in the group can process the request form. For more information about groups, refer to the Group Setup and Maintenance help page.
inbox. The page where an individual can view requests awaiting for approval.
processor. The person who is authorized to approve or deny the request by completing an action or creating an ERP electronic document (*DEFINE, FRMS, HRMS, etc.).
request. An electronic form where employees who do not have authorization for university systems can initiate a request for various things (travel authorization, purchase of items, travel reimbursement, etc.).
requester. The person who is asking for something (e.g., authorization, reimbursement, process, product). A requester may also be a creator.
traveler. The person who is going on the trip.