Transfer System Support
- Visit askUS
to find answers to frequently asked questions.
- Training Resources
Support Options
- For general questions about how to use the FRMS Transfer System, contact the Controller's Office User Services team at
- To speak with a User Services team member call 471-8802. Help line hours are 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. At other times of the day, please leave a message. Calls received in the morning will be returned the same day; calls received in the afternoon may not be returned until the following business day, depending on the time the message was received.
For help related to FRMS Transfer System policies and procedures:
- For sponsored funds (26 or ARP/ATP) accounts, contact the Office of Sponsored Projects at
- For plant funds (36) accounts, contact the Plant Funds section at
- For state (14 or 20) accounts, contact the Budget Office at
- For all other types of accounts, contact the Financial Accounting Services (FAS) section at