Tax ID System Help


Verification Levels
Record Type
Tax ID Types
Self-Reporting Tax ID page
View All Tax ID page
Master Look Up Tax ID page
Subsystem Admin page


The Tax ID System has been developed to provide a secure and centralized repository for linking University Issue Numbers (UIN) to Social Security Numbers (SSN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN), Federal Employer Identification Numbers (FEIN), and other identifiers used by internal and external business partners. The system can also accommodate storage of unofficial identifiers for specific business purposes, such as National Student Loan Database System identifiers or student numbers. No other personal information about individuals, such as name, address or birth date, is stored on the Tax ID System.

This system is a response to the University of Texas System's Business Procedures Memorandum 66 issued in 2004 to serve as a guideline for the protection of the confidentiality of social security numbers. Specifically, the Tax ID System provides a means to limit access to social security numbers only to those services which have a demonstrated business purpose for their use.

UT System - Business Procedures Memorandum 66

The Tax ID System consists of four web pages:


Each web page of the Tax ID System, except for the Self-Reporting Tax ID page, has a separate authorization level that is maintained in Apollo. Authorization to use the Self-Reporting Tax ID page is not restricted. Because the Tax ID System is owned by UT Austin, other UT institutions can have subsystems but only the UT Austin contact can update their authorizations. Each University of Texas institution web page also has separate Apollo authorization levels. Contact XXX to request authorization.

Verification Levels

Each Tax ID that has been reported receives a verification level. The verification level indicates the degree of confidence the University has in the quality of the Tax ID. Higher verification levels indicate a higher degree of certainty that the Tax ID is valid. These levels also determine which record will become the master record.

Verification Level
000 Unverified (for use on inactive records)
100 Autogenerated
150 Rejected by Social Security Administration, Financial Services Office
200 Provided by UIN owner through self-reporting web site
250 Provided by UT staff or department
300 Imported from a UT information system
320 Self reported through the Financial Aid Office
350 Official temporary SSN issued by the Payroll Office
400 Verified by UIN owner matching another source
450 Tax ID obtained from the Payroll Office
500 Image of card obtained, original card not presented
600 Matched to NSLDS database
700 Card presented and inspected
750 FEIN matches DUN & Bradstreet records
760 Matches SSA records through the Financial Aid Office
800 SSN matches Social Security Administration Records, Accounting Office
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Record Type

The Tax ID System is comprised of a collection of entity records. Every record within the Tax ID System must have a Tax ID assigned to it and must be sponsored by a University department (example: Scholarships, Payroll, etc.). If a valid Tax ID cannot be obtained, a Generated ID (G) will be assigned to the record. There are two types of records:

Tax ID Types

Subsystems can store different types of tax identifiers based on the business needs of their areas. The Tax ID type has two purposes:

Official Tax ID Types
Type Description
S Social Security Number (SSN)
F Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
I Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
Unofficial Tax ID Types
C Centralized Receivable Entity ID
D SSN Delay Number - Official Temporary SSN from either the Payroll Office or Scholarships
G Generated Number
N National Student Loan Database Number

Self-Reporting Tax ID page

The Self-Reporting web page gives entities the ability to report their Tax ID number to the University. Authorization to use this page is not restricted. Entities must enter their Tax ID number, Tax ID type, and certify the number entered is the correct taxpayer identification number by pressing the I Certify button.

Entities must then re-enter their Tax ID number and click the Confirm button.

View All Tax ID page

The View All Tax ID page displays all records for a specified UT EID or Tax ID number. Authorized users can enter either the Tax ID number, UT EID, or UIN for an entity and click the View button.

Information for corresponding identifiers for the UT EID, Tax ID or UIN will be displayed. The Master record will always be displayed in yellow.

Master Look Up page

The Master Look Up page displays only the master record for a specified UT EID or Tax ID number. Authorized users can enter either the Tax ID number, UT EID, or UIN for an entity and click the View button.

Information for the master record for the UT EID, Tax ID or UIN will be displayed.

Subsystem Admin page

The Subsystem Admin page gives subsystem administrators the ability to update, add, and delete subsystem records. Authorized users must select a subsystem from the Dept-Subsystem pull-down menu, enter the entity's UT EID and select a Tax ID type from the ID Type pull-down menu and click the Search button to continue.

The subsystem and master record information will be displayed.

If a record exists in the subsystem for the identifier entered the Update ID Information section will appear.

If a record does not exist in the subsystem for the identifier entered the Update ID Information section will appear; however the subsystem administrator will only have the option to add a record.

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