WD - Job Change or Reclassify Request

Request Information

The Request Information section includes fields to enter the requester’s UT EID, a description, and request notes.

The requester is the person who creates the request form. By default, the user’s UT EID displays in the Requester UT EID field. To change this, type in a different UT EID or click the lookup icon lookup icon to search for an individual.

The Description is a free form field, which allows the requester to add notes up to 150 characters. Note: Do not include confidential information in the description, as this information appears to anyone authorized to search on HR forms on the Search page.

The Request Notes is a free form field, which allows the requester to add notes up to 1000 characters.

Position Information

Select the type of job/position from the required Type of Job/Position drop-down menu.

Enter the proposed effective date in the required Proposed Effective Date field.

Enter the justification for the position in the Justification free-form field, which allows the requester to add notes up to 1000 characters.

Reclassify a Filled Job or Position
To reclassify a filled job or position, enter the UT EID or name of the current incumbent in the Position/Job Manager’s UT EID and Name field. Either the UT EID or the name is required.
Note: The UT EID can be searched for using the magnifying glass icon.

Job/Position Attributes to Change

Select the check box of each attribute you would like to change. After you have made the appropriate choices, the following fields will display, based on the selections you made. You may not see all of these fields, depending on which check boxes you selected.

Job Code

The Job Code and Job Code Description or Title fields allow for text entry, and at least one is required.

Working/Business Title

Enter the proposed working or business title in the Working/Business Title free-form field.

Enter the justification for the proposed working or business title in the Justification/Reason free-form field, which allows the requester to add notes up to 1000 characters.

Job Purpose, Qualifications, and Responsibilities

Enter the purpose of the position in the Purpose of the Position free-form field.

Enter the required qualifications in the Required Qualifications free-form field.

Enter the preferred qualifications in the Preferred Qualifications free-form field.

At least two Position Responsibilities are required, with a percent time breakdown between the two. The percent time breakdown items must total 100 percent.

Position's Manager or Supervisor

Enter the position/job manager’s UT EID or name in the Position/Job Manager’s UT EID and Name field. Either the UT EID or the name is required.
Note: The UT EID can be searched for using the magnifying glass icon.

If the manager has several positions, enter a description in the Manager’s position title, department, etc. free-form field to indicate which position to use.

Employment Dates

To add an end date to a job or position, or to change the end date, enter the proposed end date in the Proposed End Date field.


The Hours Per Week is a field for hours worked in one week.

The Hourly or Salary is a drop down field where you can choose if the employee is hourly or salary.

The Annual or Hourly Rate is a field where you can enter the annual or hourly rate for the employee.

The Work Study is a drop down field where yes or no can be selected.

The Notes/Comments/Justification is a free-form field where notes or justification for the rate can be entered.


Note: At least one of the following fields must be completed.

Free-form Describe the Funding is a check box that when selected, will open a free-form field where a description of how the job is to be funded can be entered.

Enter Details for Job Funding is a check box that when selected, will open several boxes below where you can enter a Time Block to indicate which accounts will be used to fund the position, and for what time periods. In the time block field, you can enter begin and end dates, an account number or description, and the funding percentage.  Department codes can also be entered by selecting the check box. Additional time blocks can be entered for additional time periods.