Upload Request Profiles

The Upload Requests Profiles page is used to upload a spreadsheet of profiled assignees on behalf of the staff and faculty in a department. For information on required authorizations for this tool, refer to the Authorizations page.


upload profile screenshot


upload profile screenshot

Profile spreadsheet must be an XLSX file type. Microsoft Excel (version 2007 and above) is the primary spreadsheet software used to open and edit XLSX files.

The Profile Spreadsheet template is used to upload the profiled assignees. Follow these steps to prepare the template.

  1. Click profile spreadsheet template and open the file with Microsoft Excel.
  2. In column A, enter the UT EIDs of the profilees.
  3. In column B, enter the title of the appropriate form, as listed in the column header instructions.
  4. In column C, type the UT EID or group code to which the profilee’s forms should be assigned.
  5. In column D, type an X if the assignee in column C is the default assignee for the profilee.
  6. Save the spreadsheet so it can be uploaded.

To upload the template, click Browse on the Upload Requests Profiles page, select the appropriate file, click Open, and click Upload.
Review the information displayed on the screen. If there are any error messages, resolve the errors and upload the spreadsheet again. Warning messages are for informational purposes only and do not require action. When all the information is accurate, click Save.