To access and approve the PBS
document you must use your
web inbox or login to the
Point Plus web site. The PBS will
also appear in your *DEFINE inbox,
however the PBS is a web only document
and cannot be accessed from
To quickly find all PBS documents
that are awaiting your approval you can
filter your web inbox to show only PBS
document by using the Range
pull-down menu and selecting
PBS--Auth Ind Svc.

Web Inbox - Filter for PBS
Select the PBS document that you wish
to approve by clicking the
Summary link.

Web Inbox - Selecting the PBS
Clicking the Summary link for
the PBS document that you wish to
approve will open the document using
Point Plus, placing you on the
Summary web page. From the
Summary web page you can view
the details of the PBS and approve the
document. When you are ready to approve
the document from the Select an
Action pull-down menu select the
APP - Approve and route forward
action and click the GO

Approving the PBS
The document has successfully been
approved and routed forward (if
necessary) when the following message

PBS approved and routed forward