View Contacts by Assignee

This page lists all contact information for an individual or for an HRMS Position ID.

To see contact information for an individual, select the appropriate ID Type (UT EID or Position ID), enter the identifier in the text box, and click Go.

Note: When listing contact information for a UT EID, all assignments for that individual will be listed, whether the person was made a contact using the UT EID or an HRMS Position ID to which the person is currently assigned. When selecting contact information for an HRMS Position ID, the listing will only include assignments made using that Position ID. Therefore, to see all contact assignments for a given Position ID, select to list by Position ID. However, if you want to see all assignments for an individual, regardless of whether the assignment was done using a UT EID or a Position ID, select to list contact information by UT EID.

List Contacts by Assignee form

The table lists all contact assignments for an individual, when searching by a UT EID or HRMS Position ID. The columns in this table are:

Table Screenshot

Click on a column heading to sort the table by that column. By clicking the column heading repeatedly, you can toggle the sort order between ascending and descending.

In the event that the list of contacts is longer than the page will allow, you will be given the option to download the list of contacts into an Excel spreadsheet as an alternative.