UT Market Requisition Authorizations

Creating UT Market Requisition Documents in FRMS

A requisition documents is created from the UT Market Cart Details page by a departmental buyer who has Update (U) or Super (S) command authorization for PBU in Electronic Office Management (EOM).

A requisition document is updated with a Modify or Cancel document that is created from the UT Market PO Details page under the PO tab in FRMS Procurement. A Modify or Cancel document is created by a departmental buyer who has Update (U) or Super (S) command authorization for PXU in EOM. The buyer must also be authorized for the desk that created the original requisition.

Viewing UT Market Requisition documents in FRMS

A UT Market requisition document can be viewed by any user who has View (V), Update (U), or Super (S) command authorization for PBU in EOM.

A UT Market Modify or Cancel document can be viewed by any user who has View (V), Update (U), or Super (S) command authorization for PXU in EOM.

Users are automatically authorized to view any requisition documents routed to them for approval. Office managers do not need to explicitly authorize reviewers or approvers for PBU or PXU in order for them to be able to take action on documents in their inboxes.