Departmental Inventory Portal Glossary
The Capitalized and Controlled Asset Removal and Transfer System (CCART) provides a web-based means for inventory contacts or other persons responsible for inventory to assist in the management of their inventoried assets. The system enforces present business rules regarding the transfer of assets at The University of Texas at Austin pursuant to Part 16. Inventory Control and Property Management of the Handbook of Business Procedures.inventory
(1) The amount of property on hand at any given time; (2) An itemized listing of amounts of property indicated as on hand at a particular time. A physical inventory is one determined by an actual physical count of the items. A book inventory is one determined from records maintained in connection with day-to-day business activities.inventory contact
The individual on the department level who is responsible for managing inventoried assets. See the GG5 command in *DEFINE for a list of inventory contacts.inventory number
A 6-digit number used to identify equipment. For official inventory records, this number corresponds to the number on the inventory tag attached to the equipment.inventory record
Each item of University property can have an inventory record. Official inventory records are created by the Inventory Processing Department. All capitalized and controlled assets are recorded on the official inventory. An inventory tag is affixed to these items when possible. The 6-digit number assigned to an item corresponds with its identification tag.inventory scanner
An inventory scanner is a data-recording and data-storing device that is used for inventory purposes. It is a handheld device capable of capturing data from barcode font 39 (on UT equipment), or from manual data entry. Scanners may be requested by UT departments by sending an email message to Inventory Services.The following information should be included in the request:
1) Valid UT mainframe logon ID for the person(s) using the scanner
2) Unit code (subunit) being worked on
3) Building(s) being inventoriedinventory status
The inventory record display screens (NVM screens) show a status in the "S" column of each screen. The possible status values are:I - Item is inactive
S - Last action was a split
T - Last action was a transfer between UT departments
M - Item has been marked as Missing or Stolen
G - Item was a gift
C - Item was constructed in the department
F - Item was found in the department
B - Item is federal or personal excess property
A - Item is an active item brought in from the NU1
4 - Item was transferred from another state agency into UT
L - Items loaded to ARL inventory system
* - There is activity this year (unless activity is to inactivate or if none of the above)responsible person
The responsible person is the person who has the equipment in his or her possession and will safeguard the asset to ensure it is not lost or stolen. The responsible person can bring the equipment to the inventory contact for scanning during the annual inventory process or can report on the status and whereabouts of the item(s). For example, if a staff member is issued a laptop to use at home or at the office, the staff member is the person responsible for the laptop. In the case of a computer lab, the responsible person would be the one that oversees the lab.unit code
A seven-digit code assigned to an official University of Texas entity. The first four digits indicate an official University department or organization. The last three digits divide the official unit into subunits, which may indicate individuals, such as Principal Investigators, or other programs or projects within the official unit. The "000" subunit is reserved for the official unit as recognized by the Office of the President.