Tuition Reduction Benefit: Recipients
The Recipients section contains information about all award recipients.
To travel to another document, type a document ID in the Document ID field and click View Document.

Next on the page is a section of document attributes, including the document ID, document status, creator, created date, summary, creator desk, and semester. The summary is the description of the document that appears in document approvers' inboxes.
To view or add notes to the document, click the (Notes) link that indicates the number of notes currently on the document.
Excel Upload
To quickly add recipients to a document, creators may use the Excel upload feature that allows you to upload recipients from a properly formatted Microsoft Excel document to the Recipients section.
The document to be uploaded must be saved as a Microsoft Excel document. The worksheet that is active when the document is saved is the worksheet that will be uploaded. The first row of column A must have the header UT EID and the first row of column B must have the header LIMIT. There are be any number of rows of UT EID values in column A. For each row, column B can be blank or can have a numeric value. Your worksheet can have data in columns C and beyond.
To start the upload, click Show Details to show the file upload dialog box. Browse to select the file and then click Upload. After recipient data has been uploaded, save the added information by clicking Save and Verify or Save and Continue.
Multiple spreadsheets can be uploaded until a document has a maximum of 100 recipients.
Download a Template
Recipients Information
Up to 100 recipients may be added to each Tuition Reduction Benefit document.
For each row, enter the UT EID of the recipient and a dollar limit if the award should not cover the full resident tuition amount.
If the account number entered in the General section is one that has been identified as a Provost account to be used only for TA or AI awards, the benefit amount may be limited to a set of choices. Select the choice based on the total number of hours per week that the recipient will be assigned as a TA or AI.
Once a UT EID is entered, information about the recipient will be displayed. Click a recipient’s UT EID to get directory information about the recipient. Click Show Details to see more information about the recipient, including assignment information, future enrollment information, and information regarding other awards. Click Delete to mark through the recipient who will be deleted when the document is next saved.
Immediately below the Recipients Information heading is a row of buttons that will allow document creators to act on multiple recipients simultaneously. Click the Select button and All to select all rows, or None to deselect all rows. Alternatively, the select box for each row can be clicked to select or deselect the row.
For selected rows, click Show Details to show information about the selected recipients. Click Hide Details to hide the information about the selected recipients. Click Assign Limit to assign a dollar amount to each of the selected recipients. Click Delete to mark through the selected recipients who will be deleted when the document is next saved. Click Undo Delete to unmark the rows marked for deletion.
Within the table of recipients, click a column header to sort the list by that column’s values. Click a column header again to toggle the sort between ascending and descending.
Note: All edits on this page must be saved by clicking Save and Verify or Save and Continue.
Note: Before the 20th class day of a semester, if recipients do not have approved student assignments that correspond to the intended position, warning messages will be displayed. After the 20th class day, recipients must have approved student assignments that correspond to the intended position.
Note: On the 20th class day, the system will verify that all recipients with approved awards have approved student assignments that correspond to the intended position. If a recipient has an award but does not have an approved student assignment, the award will be cancelled, likely resulting in a tuition bill due to the student.