Award Details
The Award Details tab shows users current information about an approved award. Information regarding *DEFINE SS2 awards is available in *DEFINE.
Note: This page shows information for one award. If a tuition reduction benefit document was processed for multiple recipients, each recipient’s award generates a unique award ID and must be reviewed individually.
Use the Awards Search at the top of the page to quickly jump to another page in the Awards system. To show/hide section details, click Show Details/Hide Details in the upper right corner of each section.

To travel directly to another award, type the award ID in the Award ID field and click View Award.

If the award is available to be copied to a new document or to be cancelled, you will be able to click Copy or Cancel in the upper right of the Award Details page.

Clicking Copy will create a new electronic document that is pre-populated with information from the award that was copied.
Note: You must have authorization to create award documents to have the option to copy an award.
Clicking Cancel will create a new electronic document to cancel the award that was being viewed. The option to cancel is only available if the award has not already been cancelled and there is not another cancellation document already in progress.
Note: Attempts to cancel an award after the semester of the award has passed will be routed to the *DEFINE GB1 accounting contact and then to Student Accounts Receivable.
Scholarship Information
This section shows information about a scholarship award.
Scholarship ID: The award ID of the scholarship
Fiscal Year: The fiscal year in which a recipient's payment is scheduled to be disbursed.
Creator: The individual who created the electronic document resulting in this scholarship.
Creation Date: The date that the electronic document resulting in this scholarship was created.
Award Status: The current status of the scholarship.
Total Amount: The total amount awarded to the recipient of the scholarship.
Description: A description of this scholarship.
Tuition Reduction Benefit Award Information
This section appears when viewing a tuition reduction benefit award and shows information about the tuition reduction benefit award.
Tuition Reduction Benefit Award Id: The award ID of the tuition reduction benefit award.
Semester: The semester in which the award credited the recipient’s tuition bill.
Creator: The individual who created the electronic document resulting in this award.
Creation Date: The date that the electronic document resulting in this award was created.
Award Status: The current status of the award.
AR Code: The three-character AR code that is associated with the award and dictates what portions of a student’s tuition bill can be credited by the award.
Account: The account that funded the award.
Award Limit: The maximum amount that may be credited against the student’s tuition bill. No Limit indicates that the tuition bill was fully covered as allowed by the AR code profile.
Funding Information
This section appears when viewing a tuition reduction benefit award and provides detailed information about the account that is funding the award.
Account Number: Click the account number to see a pop-up window with more details about the account, including balances, unit code information, and account contacts.
Account Information: Account title, budget group title, and the current pool balance.
AR Code Information: AR code identifier and details about what portions of a student’s tuition bill can be covered by the AR code.
This section provides current information about the award recipient.
Note: Information in this section is real-time and does not reflect what was true about the recipient at the time the award was approved. To see information as it was when the award was approved, go to the electronic document that created the award.
Click View Future Enrollment Information to see that information in a new window or tab.
Click View Other Awards for this Recipient to see all other awards that have been processed for this recipient in a new window or tab.
Assignment Information (only appears when viewing a tuition reduction benefit award): Shows current assignment information for the recipient.
This section appears when viewing a scholarship award and provides detailed information about the account(s) funding the scholarship.
Account Number: Click the account number to see a pop-up window with more details about the account, including balances, unit code information, and account contacts.
Amount: Scholarship amount
Pool Balance: The remaining amount of unencumbered funds left in the group of funds that the account belongs to.
Account Name: The title of the budget group that the subaccount belongs to.
Department Codes: Codes added to the document by the department to indicate how funds are being used.
Endowment Details: Donor details
Payment Schedule
This section appears when viewing a scholarship award and provides detailed information about the payment schedule.
Accounts: The account(s) used to fund the scholarship
Amount: The amount of the scholarship
Scheduled Date: The date the recipient is scheduled to receive payment for the award.
Financial Aid Semesters: The academic semester to which the scholarship is applied. Note: The scholarship will be applied against any existing financial aid for the chosen semester.
Date Paid: The date the payment met the criteria for processing, such as registration requirements, released holds, etc. If the date paid is not shown, the recipient has not received the scheduled payment.
Purpose of Payment
This section appears when viewing a scholarship award and provides detailed information about the purpose of the payment.
This section appears when viewing a scholarship award and provides detailed information about travel associated with the scholarship, the travel destination, and purpose of the travel.
Registration Requirements
This section appears when viewing a scholarship award details and states whether or not the recipient must be registered to receive the scholarship.
Related Documents
This section lists documents that created or canceled this award.
Award Comments
This section appears when viewing a tuition reduction benefit award and lists any comments that were on the document that created the award. Users who are members of the desk on which the electronic document was created may add additional comments.
Scholarship Comments
This section appears when viewing a scholarship award and lists any comments that were on the document that created the award. Users who are members of the desk on which the electronic document was created may add additional comments.