Office Details: Billing Codes/Purchasing Centers

The Billing Codes/Purchasing Centers page displays the purchasing centers and billing codes associated with the electronic office. While viewing an office, the page can be found under the Office Details tab. You can also select Other Info in the Navigation Menu.

Note: Some electronic offices may not have billing codes or purchasing centers.

Billing Codes

Purchasing Centers

Clicking on a purchasing center will open a new window displaying information about the purchasing center.

Purchasing pop-up

The purchasing center information window displays

For assistance with purchasing centers, contact the Purchasing Office: 471-4266.

Billing Codes

Billing codes are created and controlled by the Centralized Receivables section in the Office of Accounting and Financial Management. Departments and offices typically use billing codes in order to post bills and receive payments through What I Owe for things like lost equipment or study abroad costs.

To view details about billing codes for your office, you can use the RPB command in *DEFINE. Additional information about billing codes is also available in askUS ( For any questions not addressed in askUS, you can contact Centralized Receivables via e-mail (