The EOM is organized by tabs based on the type of information or action to be performed: changing command authorizations; adding an account to an authorization (admin) view; setting up routing, etc. The EOM pages can also be accessed using the Navigation Menu and quick search.
The Home page is the first page you will see after logging in to the EOM. Any offices you are an electronic office manager or delegate for will be listed. You can click an office name on this page to access the office. Clicking on the name of an office manager or a delegate will display all the offices that the individual is an office manager or delegate for.
Navigation Tabs
Navigation tabs appear when an office from the Home page has been selected or by using the Search for Offices by field. The navigation tabs below will be available to you. Each page will allow you to view or make changes to your office.
- Home
- Office Details — Basics and Billing Codes/Purchasing Centers
- Authorizations — Authorization (Admin) Views, Desks, and Command Authorizations
- Routing — Routing (Master) Views, Routing Sequences, and Signature Authorizations
The page you are currently on will be identified by an orange indicator arrow.
Navigation Menu
The Navigation Menu appears in the upper left-hand corner of all the EOM pages. On the Home page, the Navigation Menu displays tools and contact information. Like the navigation tabs, after you select or search for an office, the menu will change to show the same EOM pages that are available throughout the navigation tabs. However, the Navigation Menu displays an expanded list that includes all the EOM pages. The page you are currently viewing will always be boldfaced.
Quick Search
Quick search appears in the upper right-hand corner of all the EOM pages. This tool allows you to search for an office using any of the criteria shown in the drop-down menu: Office Name; Desk Name; Auth (Admin) View; Rout (Master) View; Unit Code; Account; Mgr/Delegate EID.
Note: The Mgr/Delegate EID option searches for offices that the individual is a manager or delegate of.
You can use the look-up tool to search for an office, desk, authorization or routing view, or EID of a manager or delegate, depending on the criteria chosen in the Search for Offices by menu. The tool will open a new window in which you can enter your search term. Selecting an item from the search results will close the window and automatically populate the Search field. The look-up tool is also available throughout the EOM.