UT Department System: Department List Help

On the Navigation bar is a section for Department Lists. This section allows the user to search for information about departments using various search criteria.

Keyword Search - Lists departments by using a keyword or part of a word. The return page of the search has links to allow a user to travel to the department's Web page and to the department information page, (same as the View Department link from the Department Update Options section).

Alphabetically - Lists the departments in alphabetical order. The page has links to allow a user to travel to the department's Web page and to the department information page, (same as the View Department link from the Department Update Options section).

Identifier - Lists departments by the user's choice of identifier either unit code or *DPUSER department prefix. The page has links to allow a user to travel to the Department Information page (same as the View Department link from the Department Update Options section).

Type - Lists departments by the user's choice of department type. Department types are classifications which indicate the overall purpose or mission of the department at the University. The list can be for either the current, or for past or future semesters. The user can either view the list online or choose to download the list to an Excel spreadsheet. The page has links to allow a user to travel to the department's Web page, and to the Department Information page (same as the View Department link from the Department Update Options section), or to the Department Information page for the reports to department.

Attribute - Lists departments by the user's choice of attribute. Attributes are descriptions or categories that provide more specific information about the purpose or functions of a department beyond its overall type. The list can be for either the current information, or for past or future semesters. The user can either view the list on-line or choose to download the list to an Excel spreadsheet. The page has links to allow a user to travel to the department's Web page, and to the Department Information page (same as the View link from the Department Update Options section), or to the Department Information page for the reports to department.

Reporting Structure - Lists departments which report to a specific department. The list can be either for current information or for past or future semesters. The user can either view the list on-line or choose to download the list to an Excel spreadsheet. The page has links to allow a user to travel to the department's Web page, and to the Department Information (same as the View Department link from the Department Update Options section), or to a list of departments that report to the current department.

VP Portfolio - Lists the departments of all the vice presidents. The page has links to allow a user to travel to the department's Web page, and to the Department Information (same as the View Department link from the Department Update Options section), or to a list of departments that report to the current department.

UT Organization - Displays a representation of the current organizational department hierarchy. The links are to the department's Web pages. This page is a public page, available without use of an EID.

Note: These help pages are linked to the UT Department System Glossary.