Help for Image Retrieval System
Accounting Voucher Documentation

The Image Retrieval System (IRS) allows authorized University employees to view supporting documentation for accounting and other related financial transactions imaged by Imaging and Documentation Services (IDS) in the Office of Accounting. Document images are displayed in PDF format via the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Within Acrobat the image can be enlarged, rotated, printed, and/or saved to a hard drive.

Whether or not you can retrieve voucher documentation depends on several factors. First, you must have a high-assurance EID as well as the proper authorization to view the documentation. Second, the documentation must have been submitted to IDS for imaging. The IRS is designed to give you informative messages regarding why a particular document may not be available for you to view. Details regarding authorizations and error messages are given below.

In most instances, IDS is the department responsible for storing and retrieving "official" accounting documentation. Images viewed on this Web site are considered official documents.

What Documents are Imaged?
Certain accounting documents always require supporting documentation (example: payment vouchers). Supporting documentation for other types of documents may be optional (example: intra fund group transfers). If the document requires backup and IDS receives the documentation, it will be available on-line. Assuming the voucher documentation is sent to IDS immediately after the document is final approved, you can expect the image to be available within 5 working days. D-tickets are not sent to IDS on a daily basis. If you do not see D-ticket support within two weeks of the day of purchase/credit, please contact Imaging and Documentation Services for assistance.

Before implementing the scanning process, voucher documentation was stored on microfilm. If the documentation you request is available on microfilm, you will get a message with an e-mail address to use for requesting a hard copy.

What you won't find on this Web site:

Departments are not required to submit supporting documentation for ProCard and Office Depot payments. Supporting documentation that has not been submitted to IDS is retained within each department and is not available on-line.

The system doesn't currently support check copy requests. To request a copy of a check, please continue to contact the Imaging and Documentation Services section.

Before You Start
In order to begin you must have a document ID number or D-ticket number. Document IDs must consist of 11 characters. For UT-Austin documents, the second character should be "0" (zero), not the letter "O". D-tickets should be entered in the following format: "D" followed by the 7-digit number. The D-ticket number is the first 7-digit number displayed in the transaction description in the *DEFINE GT screens or your statement of account. You may also look up the information by the NA1 document ID number associated with the transaction.

Viewing authorization for voucher documentation is limited to document creators and approvers, and Office of Accounting staff. In order to view voucher documentation, you must be on a desk that is in the document routing path. Note: The ability to view the accounting transaction and/or document in *DEFINE does not inherently mean that you have access to the supporting documentation in IRS. If you get an error that your authorization is inadequate to view a document, use the ROUting Action within the *DEFINE document to see the desks authorized to view the documentation. You must be on one of the desks listed to see the corresponding document image. If you are not, then you will need to contact someone on one of those desks to access the image for you. Use the *DEFINE HD5 command to see a list of individuals on a particular desk.

How to Use
1.    Select "Document ID" or "D-Ticket Number" as the Image Type. Enter the Document ID or D-Ticket that you wish to view as the Search Value, then click the "Get Image Info" button. Note: Document IDs must consist of 11 characters. D-tickets should be entered in the following format: "D" followed by the 7-digit number.

2.    Click on the Image you want to view. Note: Some vouchers have more than one image associated with it. Example: A credit will be displayed separately from the charge on a D-ticket.

3.    The image will be displayed in a separate browser window. Note: Images that are many pages long may take a while to display. For large documents a message will appear indicating that it may take a while for the image to appear. If you are needing to access a large document multiple times it may be easier for you to save it to your hard drive and retrieve it directly rather than going through the request screen each time.

4.    You can enlarge, rotate, print and/or save the image using the Adobe Acrobat features. See the help available within Acrobat for more information.

5.    You do not need to close the window with the image in order to request another document. Simply return to the Request Screen and request another document.

6.    To leave the system click "Logoff", or if you wish to continue with another UTDirect application, simply go to that Web page.

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Glossary of Terms

Acrobat Reader
Document ID
Document Creator
PDF Files
Supporting Document

Acrobat Reader
Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher is required to view the PDF images. You may download the reader by clicking here. If you need assistance installing, configuring and/or using Acrobat, please contact your departmental computer support team.

Document ID
Each UT Austin electronic document is assigned a document ID number, and each accounting transaction is associated with a specific document ID. The document ID you request  must consist of 11 characters. For UT-Austin documents, the second character should be "0" (zero), not the letter "O".

The supporting documentation for University Supply & Mail charges are referred to as D-tickets. The D-ticket number is the first 7-digit number displayed in the transaction description in the GT screens or your statement of account. You may also look up the information by the NA1 document ID number associated with the transaction.

A group of people authorized to create and approve accounting documents. Security for viewing voucher documentation is restricted to the desks in the document's routing path.

Document Creator
The document creator is the originator of an electronic document. If supporting documentation is not available on-line you may be referred to the creator for additional information.

Supporting documentation that is scanned and then stored on an electronic file is called an image.

Supporting documentation that is not available on-line may be available on microfilm, another type of storage medium.

PDF Files
PDF is the file format for representing documents in a manner that is independent of the original application software, hardware, and operating system used to create those documents. A PDF file can describe documents containing any combination of text, graphics, and images in a device-independent and resolution independent format. These documents can be one page or thousands of pages, very simple or extremely complex.

Supporting Document
Invoices, receipts and other papers attached to an accounting document to explain and support the accounting transaction.

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Troubleshooting Error Messages

Please select the type of image you wish to view
Please enter a search value
You are not authorized to view
Supporting documentation is stored on microfilm
Supporting documentation is not imaged by the Office of Accounting
The document creator indicated that no supporting documentation was required for document
Document was approved less than 5 days ago and has not yet been imaged
Supporting documentation was not received by the the Accounting Office for imaging
Supporting documentation did not start being imaged until MM/DD/YY
The document number you have requested is not valid
Document is available from the Office of Accounting

Please select the type of image you wish to view.
Various types of images are available in the IRS. You must indicate the type of image you wish to view by selecting an Image Type from the list.

Please enter a search value.
The IRS requires that you enter a search value. For voucher documentation and D-tickets, enter the document ID number or the D-ticket number.

You are not authorized to view
Viewing authorization is limited to document creators and approvers, and Office of Accounting staff. In order to view voucher documentation, you must be on a desk that is in the document routing path. Note: The ability to view the accounting transaction and/or document in *DEFINE does not inherently mean you have access to the supporting documentation in IRS. If you get an error that your authorization is inadequate to view a document, use the ROUting Action within the *DEFINE document to see the desks authorized to view the documentation. You must be on one of the desks listed to see the corresponding document image. If you are not, then you will need to contact someone on one of those desks to access the image for you. Use the *DEFINE HD5 command to see a list of individuals on a particular desk.

Supporting documentation is stored on microfilm
The document you have requested was processed prior to the implementation of our imaging system. The documentation is available on microfilm, and can be requested via e-mail to IDS. Please include the document ID or D-ticket number in your request and a copy will be campus-mailed to you. Note: Providing microfilm copies requires additional time and effort on the part of the IDS staff. Therefore we respectfully request that you only request microfilm copies when absolutely necessary.

Supporting documentation is not imaged by the Office of Accounting
The document you requested does not have supporting documentation on-line. You may contact the document creator for more information regarding the document.

The document creator indicated that no supporting documentation was required for document
When the document was created and approved, the creator indicated that no supporting documentation was required (i.e., the "Doc Support" field was marked No). Look at the notes and reasons listed in the document for additional information, or contact the document creator for assistance.

Document was approved less than 5 days ago and has not yet been imaged
Assuming the voucher documentation is sent to IDS immediately after the document is final approved, you can expect the image to be available within 5 working days. Please check again later. Note: D-tickets are not sent to IDS on a daily basis. If you do not see D-ticket support within two weeks of the day of purchase/credit, please contact IDS for assistance.

Supporting documentation was not received by the Accounting Office for imaging
The Office of Accounting has not received documentation for the document you have requested. Please contact the document creator for additional information.

Supporting documentation did not start being imaged until MM/DD/YY
Documentation for the type of document you have requested did not start being imaged until the date listed in the message. The documentation can be requested via e-mail to IDS. Please include the document ID or D-ticket number in your request and a hard copy will be campus-mailed to you.

The document number you have requested is not valid
Please check to make sure the number you requested is correct. Document IDs must consist of 11 characters. For UT-Austin documents, the second character should be "0" (zero), not the letter "O". D-tickets should be entered in the following format: "D" followed by the 7-digit number. The D-ticket number is the first 7-digit number displayed in the transaction description in the *DEFINE GT screens or your statement of account. You may also look up the information by the NA1 document ID number associated with the transaction. If you have verified the information you have entered and still encounter this message, please contact the Office of Accounting Help Line, 471-8802, for assistance.

Document is available from the Office of Accounting
Some documents have multiple images associated with them. This error indicates you should contact IDS for assistance in getting the appropriate image.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I clicked on the Image link to view the documentation, but it doesn't show up.
The PDF image is displayed in a separate browser window. You will need to go to that browser window to see the image.

I can view this document in *DEFINE. Why does the IRS say that I'm not authorized to view the voucher documentation?
Viewing authorization for voucher documentation is limited to document creators and approvers. In order to view voucher documentation, you must be on a desk that is in the document routing path. If you get an error that your authorization is inadequate to view voucher documentation for a particular document, it means you are not on a desk in the document routing. Use the ROUting Action within the *DEFINE document to see the desks authorized to view the documentation. You will need to contact someone on one of those desks to access the image for you. Tip: Use the *DEFINE HD5 command to see a list of individuals on a particular desk.

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For questions on installing, configuring, and/or using Adobe Acrobat Reader, please contact your departmental computer support team.

For questions regarding viewing authorizations, please contact your *DEFINE electronic office manager for assistance. If you are unclear who that individual is, please contact the Office of Accounting Help Line (471-8802).

For all other questions, please contact the Office of Accounting PDF Team.

Date last changed 04/11/03
Date last reviewed 04/11/03